I know you have been waiting and I so appreciate your patience! This one took me a while to design. I've been on this retro jag for awhile and had to do one last project with Authentiques Cool Paper Collection, Saucy!
As we continue to build the village, this month's Village Collection is a fun and Retro Drive-In Diner....and yes, I had just finished watching a movie the night before that gave me inspiration... The Founder...Good movie...but, I couldn't help but feel sorry for the brothers at the end. My heart is too tender I guess...Anyway, I digress...I'm in love with this Retro Drive-in and hope you like it as well..Here are a few pictures...
The Retro Drive-In
If you would like to give the Village Collection's Retro Drive-In a try...there are two ways to purchase...With Paper or Without Paper...
Retro Drive-In With Paper click HERE!
or here:
Retro Drive-In Without Paper click HERE!
Or here:
I hope you give this fun blast from the past a go...It will add a NEATO building to your Village Collection!
Changing the subject for a sec...Special Note on The Retro Fridge..If you ordered the Retro Fridge, I received the paper yesterday and am cutting it as I write this. All the boxes are packed and ready to go so they will be out the door maybe tomorrow if I can catch the Post Office Open, if not as Monday is Memorial Day, they will go out Tuesday Morning...Thank you all so much!
I hope you all have a safe and happy Memorial Day!
The Gentleman Crafter