Good Evening Everybody!
Well, it seems it's been non-stop since CHA! I got home from LA at 5:30 p.m., washed clothes and started packing again the same day I got home. I worked at my real job for a day and the next morning we left for Dallas Market at the crack, which is my real job too! LOL!
So, I just brewed myself a decaf coffee....Thought I would experiment. I rarely have decaf. I'm a full strength kinda guy until about 8:00 p.m. But this hotel gives you like 2 packages of decaf coffee and 1 package of regular and I MUST have something that looks like coffee when I wake up in the morning! So saving that! HA! So, where was I? Yes, brewed a cuppa, turned on the Tube for noise, which is a loop of all the movies the hotel has to offer, can't be bothered with getting up to get the remote I left clear across the room! Lazy? Maybe, but more like too tired to get up! Anyway, I thought I would catch up on blogging...
So, back to Market...It's been an excellent market so far... Usually it's really very busy. This year, TONS and TONS of people shopping for their stores. I haven't seen it like this for years. Which, gives one a bit of hope that sales will be good this year. Another thing...Loads of new things I haven't seen before. Usually, the manufacturers will just take the same thing and make it in a different color or change it up a bit. This year, lots of good new fresh merchandise. Maybe it's just me, but I'm excited.
If you are following me on Facebook, you probably have seen most of these pictures already. But for those of you who are not, here are a few things we are seeing. Some things we have purchased, some things we just admire, some things I found the displays to be very cool...AND YES, we do but CHRISTMAS in JANUARY to sell in December! It's just what we do! LOL! Thought I would share a few photos from the last couple of days...
Well, Off to bed. Thanks for coming by! Make it awesome!
The Gentleman Crafter