Monday, May 20, 2013

Thanks Susan Weckesser Tag!

Good Evening Everybody!

Tonight I wanted to share another tag that I completed tonight and also give you some Ustream info.....

First, let's start with the tag.  Let me give you some background info...I had the amazing opportunity to meet Susan Weckesser at Ranger U!  Yes, she was one of my class buddies!  LOL!  After class one night a group of us sat in the hotel lounge and had the best time talking about crafts, what we loved to do and so on.  Some of us had show and tell and pulled out our art journals.  When It came around to Susan, she quietly pulled out her wonderful pouch she made as we sat in awe as she explained how it was made.  Next, she gave us all her snowman stamp and showed us her La Mason stamp she had created through Unity.  Well, folks, I went nuts over La Mason!  So much so... she gave me the stamp.  I hated to beg, but I was on the verge!  LOL!  She was so sweet!  To say thanks to Susan and to settle the LUST I had to use the stamp, I made a tag with it.  Thank You So Much Susan!

If you get a chance, go by her site, Susan K, Weckesser Inc. HERE!  She's an AMAZING artist!  You can find the Le Mason stamp I used HERE!

So here we go... a few pictures....

 Rotating les Maisons Tag

Last, Take out Tuesday is tomorrow.  Can you believe it's been a week already!...Tuesday, May 20th at 7:00 p.m. CST.

The Gentleman Crafter's Ustream Channel can be found HERE!

I'm putting a twist on a fun gift card-Father's Day card with a funky binding!  Does that make sense??? LOL!
Supplies Needed:

(1) Sheet 12 x 12 Chipboard (Of Course!)
Patterned Paper - I'm using Tim Holtz French Industrial
A Wee Bit of Ribbon
Natural Raffia
2 x2 Piece of Scrap Cardstock

Hope you can make it, if not please catch the Ustream recording...

See Ya Tomorrow!

The Gentleman Crafter


  1. Another fun tag!! Love the bright colors on the funky little house.

  2. Oh my gosh! Rotating houses?! How fun!

  3. These are so much fun and the colors, I love the brilliant colors :)
    Thanks for sharing:)

  4. This tag is quite "revolutionary"!!!

  5. So cute Jim! Thanks for stopping by our ustream class the other day! See ya tonight, I have my supplies ready! (only because I have not cleaned my desk off since Sunday) :-) XX J

  6. Another amazing & gorgeous creation!

  7. AMAZING tag!! LOVE it!!! Can't wait to see the card you will be making Tuesday night!!!

  8. I love that I was a part of that special night too! Beautiful tag!


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