Thursday, April 25, 2013

Fastest Post Ever!

Evening All!

What a day...What a day!  As many of you know, I missed my plane this morning followed by a four hour wait in the airport for the next one....followed by sitting next to a 3 year old who, when not screaming at the top of her lungs was either asleep on my shoulder or was watching me doodle half in my chair....yep, relaxing flight....

However, once I was here, Zandra and Ellen Vargo came to pick me up from the airport!  Thank You Zandra so much for carting me around!  I so appreciate you!  We all went to the coolest packed paper store called Scrappers Cove... Such an amazing shop!  Then I was FORCED to go to the bakery across the street for a FANTABULOUS AMAZING chocolate iced brownie!  Now folks...You may know by now...I LOVE LOVE LOVE Sugar and Flour mixed together in any shape and form! I was in heaven!  Next stop was dropping off my bags in the hotel and then on to dinner with Annette Green (Congrats for making the G45 design team!!), Marjie Kemper, Ellen Vargo, Zandra and myself.  It was good to meet everyone and to finally get to EAT!  LOL!

So in short, I'm here safe and sound and after I get this blog post done, I'm going to play in my art journal for a bit and hit the hay early...I've heard from several past attendees to get to be early and be raring to go in the morning!  Shouldn't be hard to get to sleep...I'm exhausted!  LOL!

Well, Hope you have an amazing night!  Ranger U in the morning!  Yahoooooo!

See y'all tomorrow!

The Gentleman Crafter


  1. Well you're an official AG now, did Ellen inform you? Well teach you the secret handshake later. Have fun, buddy.

  2. No need to tell you to have fun....I know you will be like a pig in slop! The Ranger crew is amazing, the classes are a blast and Mario takes care of the food....yummmm....square pizza day is the best!! ENJOY and relax your body...your mind won't sleep for a VERY long time.....

  3. you will be amazed by all the goodies you will learn. Have fun and sleep well.

  4. So glad you made if to NJ!!! Looking forward to your posts about Ranger U!! Looks like you're already having a blast.

    At least the little screamer kelt your mind of your flight...that and the drugs. LOL!!!

  5. Try this again....Have Fun! And Hi to Marjie and Ellen!!!!


  6. Glad you made it Jim! Traveling can be stressful. Thankfully everything is better with a brownie or two :-) have fun!

  7. Have a really fun time and post lots of pictures for us.....pretty please!

  8. The main thing - you made it! Forget the rest. Immerse yourself in the whole thing and blog after you're all done. A brownie-a-day, I say.

  9. I'm so jealous....Scrappers Cove, the bakery...all my old stomping grounds. Have fun at Ranger U...can't wait to see what you share!

  10. You made it! Ranger U ! I know you will have a blast.

  11. Oh Jim... I really hope that it slows down a bit for you and that things completely turn around in your favor! Hugs and Fabulous Time!!!

  12. Jiiiimmmmm.... you need to write a book... you tell THE funniest stories. It may not seem funny to you at the time it happens, but the wayyyy you tell it is fantastic! Have a great day tomorrow and enjoy yourself!

  13. I'm soooo excited for you. This is a wonderful opportunity and you sure deserve it. Have lots of fun :)

  14. So Much Fun Is Just Waiting For you Tomorrow..... You are so deserving...
    remember... Yahooo ( but in an Inside voice )

  15. YOu crack me up. ....... 'nuff said.

  16. Yay you got there....... Have a wonderful time Jim cannot wait to read all about it xx

  17. Enjoy. Sounds like you have a lot of fun coming your way x

  18. What a wonderful day we had... so good to see you again and get to know you better. Thanks for spoiling us! See you very soon for Day 1 ! xxx

  19. Oh, Scrappers Cove is the store I shop in! Wish I had known you were going to be there - I would have taken the day off to come meet you! Hope you have fun fun fun at RangerU!

  20. You missed the plane?!!! Thank goodness there was another flight there that day! Sounds like you are raring to go - enjoy!

  21. So glad everything worked out for you!!
    Met/sat next to Zandra, at a Kathy Files class, in Bushkill Falls,PA in March
    and Zandra is such a sweet-heart!!!
    Have a great time


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