Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Streaming From The Farm Tonight!

Good Afternoon Everybody!

Sorry to be so late with this info...all I can say is I'm just running today!  Busy, Busy Day! Just got a break in the day and thought I would shoot this out real quick...

I will be streaming live on Ustream tonight at 7 p.m. Central Time.  I will be doing a little book using my skewer binding.  You can find my Ustream Channel by clicking the link below or cutting and pasting the URL into your address bar:

If you want to join in grab the following:

(2) Sheets of 12 x 12 Medium Weight Chipboard
(8) Sheets of Patterned Paper
(3) or (4) Policy Envelopes- Optional
7 Bamboo Skewers
Double Sided Tape or Glue
Paper Trimmer
1/8-inch Heavy Duty Hole Punch -Cropodile
Craft Knife

If I'm missing something I'm sorry!  My brain is on overload!

See ya tonight!

The Gentleman Crafter


  1. Sorry Jim but too late for me in the UK. Sad face.

  2. I'm getting my stuff together and setting my alarm now! I can't wait!

  3. Thank you so Much for the Supply List!!!! I'm getting mine together now.

  4. Thanks for the heads up, Jim. I'm going to get some bamboo skewers
    and maybe some lunch while I'm at it.
    Hope your day calms down. Drive carefully - we'll wait for you.

  5. I'll be watching...thanks for the heads up!

  6. Cant wait! supplies ready to go! Really enjoying you doing Ustream shows. Been SO much fun! See ya at the show! *hugs* =0)

  7. Sounds like fun. Maybe pizza tonight for the fan so I can sneak away to play. :)

  8. Not sure if I'll be able to pop in for a bit. For sure though, I'll be watching the recording.

  9. You did a fabulous job and Caesar too! I love the way you craft and that you are real! It's like having you at my house working on a project! You Rock! Have a fabulous day!

  10. Would love to have joined in, but for whatever reason I don't get the emails until sometime 2 days after the fact, so unless I obsessively check the site (which I have done at times) I have no clue. Now that you're getting into UStream mode I'll have to check by more often, so if you notice a stalker on your traffic feed, it's me!


  11. Sorry I didn't catch your last blog entry in time to join your live streaming. I couldn't sleep & was up till 4am, so it would have been perfect. Thank you so much for sharing your skewer binding with us. I have wanted to give this a try ever since I saw your amazing lighthouse project. I could not figure out how you did it. But, your u-stream tutorial was so easy to follow. You are an incredible teacher. Thanks again. Hugs, Theresa


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